
File Cease and Desist Defamation
Use this if your employee has put false or misleading claims against your salon, includes social media
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File Cease and Desist Non Solicitation
Use this to remind former staff about their obligations not to contact your clientele
Filesize: 19.2 kB
File Cease and Desist Poaching Clients
Use this if your staff member has contacted your clients!
Filesize: 16 kB
File Cease and Desist Restraint of Trade
Use this to prevent your former staff member from working for a close competitor or setting up their salon within the restraint area.
Filesize: 14.1 kB
File Cease and Desist Sale of Business
Use this if a former staff member has set up their own business
Filesize: 19.2 kB
File Individual Flexibility Agreement
Use this if you need to change working hours, overtime rates, penalty rates, allowances and leave loading
Filesize: 76.5 kB
File Non Consecutive Days Agreement
Use this to change the two days that your staff member takes off - otherwise you should be paying double-time if they work on their RDO
Filesize: 74 kB
File Non-Disclosure Sale of Business
Use this for your staff to sign when you are selling your business
Filesize: 47.4 kB
File Reduction of Hours- Full time to part time
Use this as part of your consultation meeting when reducing a staff members working hours if they are a permanent employee.
Filesize: 28.5 kB
File Variation of hours agreement
Use this to vary the hours for any part-time staff but under the Award. You must NOT vary the hours consistently and we strongly advise that the variation comes from the employee in writing.
Filesize: 34.9 kB
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