
File Annual Wage Review Guide
A guide on the 2019-2020 annual wage review.
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File HABA Beauty Wages 2019
Minimum Wages for Beauty Salons Under the Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010. Operative from first full pay period on or after 1 July 2019.
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File HABA Hair Wages 2019
Minimum Wages for Hairdressing Salons covered under the Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010. Operative from first full pay period on or after 1 July 2019.
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File QLD State Order Apprentices
These rates only apply to a small number of apprentices in Queensland. For these rates to apply the employer must meet the following criteria: 1. The employer must not be a constitutional corporation (Pty Ltd company). They would need to be a sole trader, unincorporated partnership or unincorporated trustee; and 2. Immediately prior to 1 January 2010 the employer must have employed an employee under a Queensland state award; and 3. Immediately prior to 1 January 2011, the employer must have employed an apprentice or trainee with competency-based wage progression under a state award.
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File WA Wages _ Non Constitutional _ Hair & Beauty
Western Australia Wage Rates for Sole Traders, Unincorporated Partnerships and Unincorporated Trustees The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission has increased the state minimum wage and rates of pay in WA state awards. The rates of pay will increase by 2.75% and the state minimum wage for employees who have reached 21 years of age, is now $746.90 per week. This advice provides the new wage rates for the following instruments: • Hairdressers Award 1989 (WA) • Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 (WA) • Cleaners and Caretakers Award 1969 (WA)
Filesize: 267 kB
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